The Grand Tour – On Tour with Arcade Fire in Europe (Published: enRoute)
By the time I’m at the foot of Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, I haven’t slept in five days and I’m running on bocadillos and adrenalin. The circadian rhythms of touring like a musician are new to me; when you’re travelling on this kind of schedule, your experience of time and space becomes intensified, amplified, distorted. Travel at the speed of music is, for lack of a better word, trippy.
“It’s an interesting state to be in,” says Régine Chassagne, the front woman of Arcade Fire. “You have to embrace it, stop worrying about when you’re going to eat, when you’re going to go to bed and when you’re going to wake up because it’s all irrelevant. When you wake up, it doesn’t matter what time you think it’s going to be; it’s just whatever time it is. This is your life.” Read article here.
Posted: November 1st, 2012 under Arcade Fire, City, enRoute, Food, Misc, Music, People, Travel.
Tags: Arcade Fire, Bilbao, Guggenheim, Jazz Festival, Montreux, Regine Chassagne, Will Butler, Win butler