Illustration by Rupert Bottenberg

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Sexual Healing in The Sessions: An interview with John Hawkes (Published: Georgia Straight)

TORONTO—WHEN IT COMES to movies about sex, The Sessions comes closer than most to approximating the actual experience. It’s emotionally as well as physically explicit about what happens when coitus happens. So it’s sexy, yes, but be forewarned: you might also feel other, more complicated things. The Sessions (opening Friday [November 2]) is neither a disease-of-the-month movie nor an […]

Wim Wenders on Pina: work for work’s sake (in Rover Arts, October 2011)

“Audiences want truth as opposed to reality” – Wim Wenders on life, work and the meaning of both. Wim Wenders’ Pina is as simple, artful and perfect as a dance movie can be – and watching it with 3D glasses on the big screen, it’s tempting to think that this is exactly why Stereoscopic 3D was invented. Wenders […]